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Printed Materials and Films

On this page we have collected all the materials that will help you implement the VIP School Programme.

Booklets for students, teachers, and health professionals​


Books and Articles

Other Materials:

It might be a good idea to inform the entire school about the VIP Programme implementation. It will show that mental health is something the school really cares about. The poster (2016) can be printed using A3 sized paper and hung up on a library wall, or at other locations the students walk past frequently.

You can download the poster with info about the VIP School Programme here — Note that the poster is in norwegian

The brochure (2016) gives a simple presentation of the VIP Programme and can be relevant for parents/guardians at parent meetings. It can also be laid out in the library so that other students can read it. Note: The brochure is made using A4 sized paper and should be printed out in booklet format.

You can download the brochure with info about the VIP School Programme here — Note that the brochure is in norwegian

Other languages

Norsk flagg for norsk språk.


Last updated 1/10/2024