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We would like to hear from you!

Contact us on: vip@vestreviken.no or by telephone (+47) 995 72 518 if you have questions or need additional information.

Please note that 47 is the international phone code for Norway.

Read about the services VIP can provide. — Please note that at the moment the information is only available in Norwegian 

We work for VIP Mental Health in Schools:


​Espen Hansen

Espen has worked for VIP since September 2001 and became the head of the school programme on 1 October 2014. He is a qualified economist with a university degree from Sweden. He later got an education in Psychiatric Nursing. Before he started his career at VIP Mental Health in Schools, Espen worked at Blakstad Hospital for 10 years. He is both educated and experienced in educational guidance and specially trained as an Empathic Communication instructor.

Email: espen.hansen@vestreviken.no


​Maya Kaur

Maya joined the VIP team in autumn 2016.
She is a qualified social worker with a major in Psychology and further education in Coaching and Guidance. She has versatile work experience, both from Norwegian Child Welfare Services and a residential treatment facility for substance abuse. She has also worked in secondary care in Bærum Municipality as a Substance Abuse Consultant.
Before she joined the VIP team, Maya worked for Støttesenter mot incest (Oslo Support Centre Against Incest) for seven years.
She is also specially trained as an Empathic Communication instructor.

Email: maya.kaur@vestreviken.no

Camilla Cecilie Øien (on leave)


Camilla is a qualified psychologist whose one-year temporary position in VIP Mental Health in Schools​began in September 2018. She has worked for BUP (The Child and Adolescent Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic) for four years and also has experience working as a municipal psychologist. Camilla has worked extensively with anxiety, depression, trauma, and eating disorders in children and young people.
She also has experience working as a guidance counsellor for both schools and municipal healthcare services, and she is currently taking a specialization course directed by the Norwegian Psychological Association.

Email: caoeie@vestreviken.no

Tarjei Koren Flægstad​​

Tarjei began working at VIP Mental Health in Schools in the fall of 2022. He is a trained psychologist with a master's degree in public health, where he wrote about stress among adolescents in Scandinavia. He previously worked for two years in Rask Psykisk Helsehjelp in Bærum Municipality, mainly with talk therapy but also with courses. Tarjei is interested in preventing mental health problems and disorders, and in strengthening adolescents' ​ and teachers' knowledge of mental health​​.

Email​: ​Tarjei.Koren.Flaegstad@vestreviken.no

Anette Haugnæss

Anette started working at VIP Mental Health in Schools in May 2023. She is a qualified child welfare ​​social worker with further education as a mindfulness instructor. She has a master's degree in clinical mental health, where she wrote about students' and teachers' experiences with a teaching program about mental health in schools. In addition, she is a certified stress counselor and yoga teacher. Anette has 20 years' experience from working at a child welfare institution with young people, with trauma-informed care as an approach. In recent years, she has supervised in foster care, for public health nurses and in the refugee service, and she has held yoga training for health personnel. Anette is especially interested in prevention and al​​leviation of psychological problems, where she sees the importance of conveying regulation techniques and methods of how to help yourself and others.​

Email: ahaugn@vestreviken.no


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Last updated 1/10/2024